Stress Coaching

Stress Coaching

Never Static also offers stress coaching

In stress coaching, we work to get you out of your stress, and slowly but surely get you back to a meaningful and pleasant everyday life where you feel good

Stress most often manifests itself as

- Anxiety

- Insomnia

- Hypersensitive

- Tensions in your body

- Loss of appetite

- Lack of mental surplus

- Depression

- Feeling angry or angry outbursts

What is stress?

We all know about feeling stressed.

It can be due to work, family, friends, finances or the feeling of never having enough time.

Stress is a physical and emotional response to a situation or event that feels unmanageable, which in some cases can lead to anxiety.

The physical state itself is a natural reaction to an unfamiliar situation, and as such it is not a dangerous state to be in, as long as it is not a prolonged state, for this is where it begins to affect us to such an extent that it has an effect on the rest of our existence.

Your body and psyche will react by going into "fight, flight or freeze" mode, where stress hormones are released in the body to overcome the unnatural situation you find yourself in.

It is very practical to be able to figure out how to run away from a hungry bear without thinking about it, dont you think :)

When cortisol and adrenaline are released in the body, your body is on alert. It's just not good for the body to have cortisol in the system for too long, as it releases sugar into the blood as energy, which keeps you in alert mode all the time, and it has an immune-suppressing effect, which is not good.

Cortisol also affects the psyche, and can cause depression in the long term.

Cortisol affects:

- Your sleep

- Your energy level

- Your mood

- Your psyche

Your memory

- Your blood pressure

- Your blood sugar

and with prolonged exposure, increased cortisol can cause:

- Weakened immune system

- Inflammation

- Loss of appetite

and in some cases increased presence of cortisol can lead to:

- Conflicts with your circle of friends

- Isolation, depression and anxiety

- Abuse

It is therefore extremely relevant not to be in a stressful situation for very long periods of time.

Therefore, do not hesitate to get in touch if you recognize one or more of the above points and lets have a short non binding talk :)

Or take a look here

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