
Never Static

Coaching & Mentaltraining

 Are you looking for a coach who can help you achieve your goals and dreams?  

Do you need a coach to coach your team?

Do you lack specific tools to achieve more calm, inner strength and joy in your life?

Or do you need effective stress coaching?

My name is Kristian and I am the founde rof Never Static.

A company with focus on personal and team coaching along with stress coaching and mentaltraining with a high degree of focus on mental health and welbeeing. 

If you ar ea manager og company owner and looking to make your team or workspace great, then contact me and I will make a course and action plan for you.

Contact me for a non-binding conversation, about 15 min., then we can get startet :)

Everyone deserves to feel good and be happy in their lives.

We all have challenges in our lives.

Some challenges are bigger than others and some take longer to get through than others.

For some of us, it can be really hard to find the key to solving our own challenges. "You can't see the forest for the trees"

Therefore, it can be incredibly rewarding to seek help on your way.

If you are challenged in an area of your life that you want to improve, or if you are affected by stress and it all seems unmanageable, then it is a really good idea to get help via coaching, in order to get stronger in life.

I can also create personally directed courses where mindfulness and mental training are the core.

Read more under the respective tabs, or see prices & services

  • Karen Marie

    Kristian is a super talented and embracing empathic coach with an extremely pleasant voice.

    Through a very personal dialogue, he gets the "right questions" to clarify what one's life situation and needs are.

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Never Static

We never stand still

We Change

We Grow

We Live

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