Prices & Services


Here you will find the current price list

Coaching can take place both live and online and has a duration of 60 minutes per session

If you want me to come to you or your company, I can do that too. Contact me to hear more

When online, Zoom is primarily used. You will receive a link to the session

You can book an appointment here

Coaching & Neurotraining


Single session of 60 min: USD 220

Package 1 - 3 sessions of 60 min: USD 580  

Package 2 - 5 sessions of 60 min: USD 950

Read more about coaching here

Stress Coaching

Single session of 60 min: USD 290

Package 1 - 3 sessions of 60 min: USD 800  

Package 2 - 5 sessions of 60 min: USD 1300

Read more about stress coaching here

Team Coaching

Coaching course adapted for your team.

This course will deal with coaching of your team as a unit, and on an individual level of each member.

Contact me for more information.


Individually adapted training program for you who want to improve yourself in an area of your life.

Contact me so I can create a course just for you.

Read more about mentaltraining here

Acute Session

I offer acute appointments if needed. 

It will usually be in a situaiton where things are very tough and you ould like to talk with someone pretty fast.

If you want an acute appointment, then you will need to call or text me on my phone. Then I will do whatever I can to get you into my calendar as fast as possible the same day. 

Acute sessions are double priced.

Coaching of 60 min session:  USD 440

Stress coaching of 60 min session:  USD 580



Inner Peace - Self study

Under development

This course is for you who would like to have more inner peace in your life.

During the course, you will be guided through with my help, and the will be some tasks to perform, that will help you uptaining more inner peace.

Multiple mentaltraining sound files will also be available for you to lsiten to.


Mentaltraining Lecture

Mentaltraning, what is it? 

Unde rdevelopment

Mentaltraining Lecture

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