
Om Never Static

I created Never Static because of a life crisis I found myself in years ago, which caused me to lose myself mentally, which required a lot of effort from me to get through.

In the middle of this period I became familiar with mental training which I began to practise.

This resulted in lowering my heart rate in 8 days!

"If in 8 days I can measurably lower my heart rate by performing a daily 15 min. mental training, what can't I accomplish in a year???" I thought.

2 years later, 2023. I am now a trained and ICI certified coach, stress coach, neurocoach and mental trainer from Empowermind in Denmark.

Whatever challenges you have in your life, or wishes for improvements, I will help you on your way.

No two people are the same, which is why you are always in focus at Never Static, because only you know what you want, but maybe you're not quite aware of it yet :)

Contact me for booking, or have a look at priceses & services for more info

  • Karen Marie

    Kristian er en superdygtig og favnende empatisk coach med en ekstremt behagelig stemmeføring.

    Gennem en meget personlig rettet dialog får han med de ”rigtige spørgsmål" afklaret, hvad ens livssituation og behov er.

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Never Static

We never stand still

We Change

We Grow

We Live

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